Diseases | Women's Health | Hair Fall

Hair loss needs internal treatment. Research proven homeopathic treatment offers excellent treatment for all forms of Hair loss. It mostly controls further hair loss in 2-3 months.
Hair loss, either patchy (alopecia areata) or diffuse can be controlled with great effect. However, baldness cannot be reverted; it can be controlled.
The individualized treatment is based on the study of patients patches, extent, cause, genetic pattern, emotional sphere, hormonal imbalance, and other factors which lead and maintain the disease.
What do you achieve by this treatment?
1) Significant control in hair loss. If you are loosing 200+ strand daily, you will achieve normal range of about 30 to 40 per day
2) Control of baldness (Baldness is not curable)
3) Treatment of local cause such as dandruff or psoriasis, etc.
4) The treatment addresses all the factors that govern hair loss, such as nutrition, stress, genetic factors, etc.
Duration of treatment:
1) Hair loss finds improvement in about eight weeks. The total length of treatment varies form case to case, depending of the following factors:
2) Duration of hair loss or Alopecia areata
Areas affected (scalp, beard, moustache, limbs, other body areas)
3) Previous medication (Extensive use of oral or local cortisone)
4) Associated diseases like Under active thyroid, diabetes, other diseases