Diseases | Adult's Health | Sexual Problems

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder – HSDD
Every man and woman experiences low sex (loss of libido) drive during some period in life. If low sex drive is continued and lasting, it calls for treatment. Almost 15% of men have this problem all the time; while over 30% females have it, but may not voice about it.
As you know every disease has complex medical name. Similarly, Low sex desire is also called as (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder – HSDD)
Let us look at the most common factors which contribute towards low sex drive

In men, following are the common causes:
1) Stress
2) Cough with production of mucus
3) Lack of spark in marriage life
4) Alcohol or/and smoking, drugs
5) Drugs: Drugs depression, hypertension, pain killers
6) Erectile dysfunction
7) Obesity
8) Diabetes
9) Obesity
10) Low levels of testosterone hormone
11) Hypothyroid (Under active thyroid)
12) Anxiety, depression or other emotional diseases


In women, one must check the following common factors:
1) Stress
2) Lack of love in marriage life
3) Child birth
4) Reduced blood supply to vagina, leading to painful intercourse
5) Hypothyroid (Under active thyroid) (More common than in men)
6) Contraceptive pills
7) Alcohol, smoking, drugs
8) Diabetes
9) Pregnancy
10) Obesity
11) Nerve injury following removal of uterus (hysterectomy)
12) Drugs: Drugs depression, hypertension, pain killers
13) Anxiety, depression or other emotional diseases
14) Traumatic events in childhood such as child abuse
15) Homeopathic Treatment for Low Sex Drive
16) Homeopathy helps to treat the underlying disease which may be responsible for low sex drive, as suggested above. There are number of cases in which low sex drive may be present without any other disease in the back ground. Homeopathy offers promising results in improving low sex drive. It helps in following ways:
17) Treating the underlying disease
18) Treatment of Erectile dysfunction
19) Reducing stress and improving your stress coping system
20) Replacing your antidepressant and anti-anxiety medicines, whenever possible
21) Enhancing your moods and stimulating your sex drive